Vice-Chancellor’s Secretariat

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The Vice-Chancellor’s Secretariat will have all the offices situated in the administrative main building of the university in general and CGG and VC office in particular. The Director, CGG will be the Convener of the VC Secretariat.


Role and responsibilities of the office bearers of VC secretariat is given below:

Table 1: Duty Chart of Various Officers of VC Secretariat

S.No. Name of Position Duties Assigned
Director, CGG Overall Supervision of CGG, PME, eG and ARPG divisions. DDO of CGG, Liaisoning with external agencies/ institutions and all the units of the university to ensure smooth flow of information and data. Any other work as and when assigned by Vice-Chancellor.
Convenor, VC Secretariat To facilitate effective and efficient working of VC secretariat. Resources and file management of the VC secretariat. To write CR of VC office and CGG personnel. Any other work as and when assigned by Vice-Chancellor.
Coordinator, PME Liasoning with ICAR, State Govt., Rajbhawan, AIUA and other academic regulating bodies. Technical Support for Digitization of Records, Technical Support for Priority setting, Technical Support for Monthly plans, Annual plans, Five year plans, Perspective plans etc. Support for University Budget preparation, Fund Management for CGG, accreditation, ranking and awards, correspondences of the VC, Miscellaneous works, Activities assigned by Director, CGG/ Vice-Chancellor from time to time.
Assistant Coordinator, PME To assist Coordinator, PME and Director, CGG in execution of above works effectively and efficiently.
Nodal Officer, ICAR Effective and efficient liasoning with ICAR.
Coordinator, e-Governance Development of Software: Development of UMS, Integration of eOffice, IFMS & AUAMS, Updating UMS Development of Social Media, Maintenance of Data Centre
e-Monitoring: Integrated MIS of the university, Report Generation, Monitoring of Websites, Monitoring of Social Media, Miscellaneous, Activities assigned by Director, CGG/ Vice-Chancellor from time to time.
Coordinator, ARPG Citizen charter, Best Practices Manuals, Good Governance Guidelines, Administrative Reforms and Regulations, Public Grievances Handling Leading to Zero, Genuine Grievances (ZGG), Process Engineering, Design of access control & surveillance, Vigilance, Ranking, Accreditations and Awards, RTI / RTI Appeal, Preparations of Agenda and proceedings of UMC/AC/BOM etc., Miscellaneous, Activities assigned by Director, CGG/ Vice-Chancellor from time to time.
OSD to BOM To initiate discussion for submission of agenda items, to finalize the agenda and proceedings for BOM,
Public Relation Officer/PRO Liasoning between VIPs and general public with Vice-Chancellor, managing hospitality for VC, visitors and guests. To accompany Vice-chancellor during visits. Activities assigned by Convenor, VCS / Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor.
Coordinator, RTI To coordinate the work of PIOs and appellant officers of the university. To act as PIO for VCS, CGG, VCO and DAM office.
Asstt. Coordinator, ARPG To assist Coordinator, ARPG and Director, CGG in execution of above works effectively and efficiently
Programmer, CGG To assist Director, CGG information execution of daily routine tasks.
PA to VC Office and file management of VC office