Department of Vegetable Science

Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Singh
(On Deputation)

SPECIALISATION:Breeding (Vegetables)
CONTACT NO.:+91-9456137020 (M)

Selected Research Publications

  1. Topwal Mukesh and Singh Dhirendra Kumar (2018) A Review on Genetic Diversity among Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon (MLL.) Wettsd.) GenotypesInt. J. Pure App. Biosci

  2. Kumar Vivek, Singh Dhirendra Kumar, Panchbhaiya Ankit and Singh Neeraj (2017) Genetic divergence studies in mid-season cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) through Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and D2 analysis International Journal of Chemical Studies

  3. Gaur, Geeta and Singh Dhirendra Kumar (2016) Genetic variability, character association and path analysis in early cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research

  4. Singh, Dhirendra Kumar and Singh, Anand(2014)Genetic parameters and inter- relationship analysis in french bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.). International Journal of Basic and Applied Agric. Res.

  5. Savita, Singh, Dhirendra Kumar and Singh, J.P. (2014)Heritability, genetic advance and path analysis for pod yield and yield related traits in french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L). International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research